Women's Formula

Why we made this.

This formula balances and protects a woman's natural hormonal cycle. It supports a woman's biology so she can feel her best. It helps reconnect with inner wisdom, boosts mood, eases cramps, reduces inflammation, and enhances stress resilience. It also aids in recovery from long-term stress, helping restore the nervous and endocrine systems.

We want women to see their hormonal changes as a gift and embrace the different phases of their cycle. This formula is a gift to all women, honoring the divine feminine within.

 Formulation Strategy

  • To enhance stress resilience and protect hormonal rhythms.

  • To relieve tension and cramping.

  • Helps to stabilize mood and support metabolism.

  • For quantum nourishment and detoxification.

  • Less inflammation, less pain.

  • Helps metabolize and eliminate excess hormones.

  • The "trophic state" helps with relaxing and recovering from burnout.

  • Because you’re wise AF!

  • This is a key to maintaining healthy hormones.

What’s in the bag.

  • Wild mesquite pod flour is derived from the seeds of the mesquite tree, native to arid regions like the southwestern United States and Mexico.

    This flour is naturally sweet and nutritious, containing a high amount of fiber, protein, and essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It has a low glycemic index, making it an excellent choice for maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

    Traditionally used by indigenous peoples, mesquite pod flour provides a unique, slightly nutty flavor that complements various recipes. It's also rich in lysine, an essential amino acid that supports tissue growth and repair. Mesquite is praised for its ability to thrive in harsh conditions, contributing to its resilience and sustainability as a food source. This ingredient not only enhances flavor but also adds nutritional value to your diet.

    Our mesquite is a wild food, which is something missing from most people's diets today. Once upon a time, humans consumed primarily wild food, which contains different kinds of information and has different effects than the domesticated, hybridized foods that are almost exclusively eaten these days.

    In terms of macronutrients, most of mesquite powder is made up of sugars, particularly sucrose and fructose, which is not surprising given the sweet taste of mesquite powder. The high fiber content and the relatively high protein content of mesquite powder help balance and create a time release of the sugar content of this sweet powder.

    Mesquite is versatile and can be used in smoothies, baked goods, and as a natural sweetener.

  • Reishi, also known as Ganoderma lucidum, is a medicinal mushroom prized in traditional Chinese medicine for its longevity-promoting properties.

    Herbalist Matthew Becker calls Reishi one of the great “wisdom remedies.” This category he says are those plants that act directly upon our consciousness and instill a sense of peace of mind and open up our consciousness to higher levels of awareness, initiating our personal growth and psychological development. Reishi is believed to lead you into deeper states of inner knowledge and wisdom. You are able to go deeper inside yourself.

    – The School of Evolutionary Herbalism

    Reishi is known for its adaptogenic superpowers. If negatively affected by stress, a woman can experience various hormonal symptoms. Reishi can help the body adapt to stress, which, in turn, protects a woman’s natural hormonal cascade throughout the month.

    Reishi works as a nervine trophorestorative, meaning this mushroom builds and restores the nervous system from exhaustion and debility. Due to its influence on adrenocortical pathways, Reishi can also help in the process of recovery from endocrine depletion. Thanks to calming Reishi, good circadian rhythms are easier to establish, which is critical to healthy hormonal balance.

    Reishi supports the hepatic system, and the liver is a big player in hormonal health.

    Our favorite thing about Reishi: It connects us to our inner wisdom.

  • Cacao powder is made from the beans of the cacao tree, native to Central and South America. Unlike cocoa, which is processed at high temperatures, raw cacao is minimally processed, preserving its rich nutrient content.

    Cacao is an excellent source of antioxidants, particularly flavonoids, which support heart health and combat oxidative stress. It's also rich in magnesium, iron, calcium, and fiber.

    Theobromine, a natural stimulant found in cacao, provides a gentle energy boost and can enhance mood and cognitive function. Raw cacao is celebrated for its mood-lifting properties, thanks to compounds like phenylethylamine and anandamide, often referred to as the "bliss molecule."

    It can improve blood flow to the brain, promoting mental clarity and focus. Incorporating raw cacao into your diet can support cardiovascular health, improve digestion, and boost overall vitality. Its rich, chocolatey flavor makes it a delightful addition to smoothies, desserts, and various recipes.

    Raw cacao powder is one of the most chemically complex foods on Earth, containing a vast array of minerals and vitamins.

    The high magnesium content of raw cacao powder helps to keep the muscles smooth and relaxed. It also contains super high levels of iron, which has been shown to be more effective in curing anemia than a diet of red meat or iron supplements.

    It's one of the most powerful foods on the planet for increasing dopamine and serotonin levels. These can benefit brain health and potentially help combat Alzheimer's disease and other brain function-related problems. They also assist in feelings of well-being, relaxation, and anti-stress, which can help everyone, whether you're competing athletically or living day-to-day life.

  • Chlorella is a type of freshwater algae that is packed with nutrients. It's renowned for its high chlorophyll content, which gives it a deep green color and powerful detoxifying properties.

    Chlorella is rich in protein, vitamins (like B12 and D), minerals (including iron and magnesium), and omega-3 fatty acids. It supports detoxification by binding to heavy metals and other toxins in the body, aiding their elimination. Originating from freshwater bodies in Asia, chlorella has been used for centuries for its health benefits. It's also known to boost the immune system, improve cholesterol levels, and support healthy blood pressure. Some studies suggest it may enhance aerobic endurance and support wound healing.

    With its dense nutrient profile, chlorella is a powerful supplement for overall health and wellness.

    Chlorella contains possibly higher amounts of chlorophyll than any other food. Chlorophyll has an amazing effect in the human body by cleaning and building the blood and assisting in heart health. It is immune-boosting and powerfully anti-aging. Chlorella also contains a wide array of essential vitamins and minerals that assist in optimal body operation.

    The chlorella growth factor (CGF) is similar to the human growth factor, which humans stop producing around age 25. This factor assists in rebuilding and rejuvenation and has powerful immediate and long-term effects.

  • White peony is one of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s most common herbal allies. Some of its uses include supporting quality sleep, emotional stability, and mental focus.

    We can’t emphasize it enough: Good sleep is critical for balancing hormones, as well as for making your mood, energy, and optimism stable throughout the month.

    When it comes to women’s reproductive health specifically, White Peony shines. It increases healthy pelvic circulation, relieves uterine congestion and inflammation, eases painful periods, and relaxes uterine tension.

    That’s not all - White Peony also relieves symptoms associated with various hormonal imbalances, which can include lower back pain, heavy bleeding, delayed menstruation, abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, and acne at ovulation or during the late luteal phase.

    Paeoniflorin (try saying that 10 times fast) is one of White Peony’s superstar constituents. Paeoniflorin has an analgesic (pain-relieving) effect by reducing PGE2, a prostaglandin, which in excess causes menstrual cramping.

    So you know, Creatrix of Life, White Peony is not suggested for use during pregnancy.

  • “This is the best Chinese tonic herb for women, although it can also be used for men, and is the most highly valued blood tonic in the East. It is used to tonify the reproductive system and maintain normal function of the sex organs. It regulates hormones, menstruation, brings on delayed or suppressed periods, relieves menstrual cramps, and can be used during menopause.” – The Complete Woman’s Herbal by Anne McIntyre

    Warming and stimulating Dong Quai increases pelvic circulation – healthy circulation means fresh oxygenated blood and nutrients can get to tissues and any toxicity can be shipped on out. Dong Quai is a blood builder and energy mover for any kind of pelvic stasis that causes issues like dull achy cramps, delayed menstruation, and more.

    Get this: Dong Quai increases binding site sensitivity to estrogen sensitive cells when the body is deficient. On the other hand, it can block more potent estrogens from binding when estrogen is overwhelming the body. This means, it regulates estrogen, and can correct both estrogen deficiency and estrogen dominance. Smarty plants!

    Dong Quai can also help to stabilize blood sugar levels.

    Hey mama to be, Dong Quai is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

  • One of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s best fungal friends, Poria mushroom supports the body in a variety of different ways.

    It modulates inflammation, which is the body’s natural response to irritation, illness, or injury. Unlike NSAIDs or other anti-inflammatory drugs that shut off the inflammatory response, Poria helps the body modulate it. This reduces inflammation and supports the body in dealing with the issue at hand.

    Poria may ease your monthly cramps by inhibiting the release of prostaglandin, which in excess causes menstrual cramping. It also helps regulate water levels, which is particularly helpful for those experiencing water retention, breast tenderness, and bloating during the luteal phase of their cycle.

    Poria supports gut health by improving intestinal function. It also supports a healthy mood by increasing serotonin and dopamine levels and lowering inflammation in the frontal cortex. Through its action on the ‘chill you out’ neurotransmitter GABA, Poria can help improve sleep quality.

    Lastly, as an adaptogen, Poria helps the body adapt to stress.

  • Codonopsis is also known by its common name “poor man’s ginseng.” Which, does not fit into the context of this formula because A) we are not men and B) we don’t want no scrubs.

    An adaptogen fit for a queen, codonopsis is thought to benefit the entire body by:

    • Boosting strength

    • Increasing stamina and alertness

    • Strengthening the immune system

    • Rejuvenating the body

    • Reducing stress

    Adaptogens are substances that enhance and regulate the body's ability to withstand stress, meaning, adaptogens are just plain awesome.

    An example of how stress can effect your cycle: Progesterone is a precursor to cortisol. If your body has to pump out more cortisol because inflammation and stress is high, you’re going to use up progesterone in the process. Utilizing adaptogens to help regulate stress protects your natural progesterone from getting too low.

    Another fun fact about Codonopsis: It’s a stomachic, meaning it contributes to the health of the stomach, which in turn, improves digestive functions.

  • We’ve been trying (not very hard) to keep our obsession with adaptogens under wraps, but by now, you’ve caught us and there’s no point in hiding.

    Adaptogenic Eleuthero: another way to improve the body’s resistance to internal and external stressors as well as enhance physical and mental performance. Beneficial in minimizing the symptoms of prolonged stress such as exhaustion, irritability, and insomnia.

    Used to support the adrenals and nervous system, Eleuthero can help with mood imbalances such as depression, mental fatigue, and poor concentration. Alongside protecting a women’s natural hormonal cycle, we’ve called on Eleuthero to help women feel their best.

    Did you know? That when it comes to stress, your nervous system is your first line of defense and will burn out way before your endocrine system (think adrenals) will?

    One study found that Eleuthero improved synapse reformation and nerve regeneration, which is fantastic news for those recovering from burnout and stress.

  • Schisandra is like a celebrity who is a talented singer, actress, author, has her own fashion line, and also runs a nonprofit. Seriously though, what does this chick not do?

    Known as the berry with five different flavors, Schisandra contains all five therapeutic tastes: sour, sweet, pungent, bitter, and salty. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each therapeutic taste corresponds to, and positively influences, a certain organ in the body. Using this approach, Schisandra then benefits the heart, liver, spleen, kidney, and lungs!

    Our spotlight on Schisandra: Its effect on the liver.

    If you have monthly seasons of feeling like a tub of ghee, look to your liver. It’s got a lot to do already, and when it has extra hormones to metabolize and not a lot of support... well, yikes. Proper liver function is key to optimal hormone balance. Schisandra can help with PMS, hot flashes, night sweats, and lack of sleep all by improving liver function. Oftentimes, a sluggish liver can lead to high levels of estrogen. If needed, Schisandra can help lower estrogen levels in the body by increasing the excretion of unwanted estrogen.

  • We love Cinnamon’s ability to help:

    • Balance blood sugar

    • Spice up metabolism

    • Chill out inflammation

    • Reduce monthly moon time pain

    One study showed that cinnamon has a significant effect on reducing pain, nausea, and vomiting due to primary dysmenorrhea, with no reported side effects. (Amazing).

    When it comes to balancing hormones, blood sugar balancing is crucial. Insulin, one of the most powerful hormones in the body, is closely connected to all other hormones, including estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol. Keeping your blood sugar balanced means stable energy and moods.

    Our job: bring the cinnamon to the women.

  • Nothing like a citrus peel twist to garnish this carefully crafted herbal blend. Bringing in a ray of sunshine, Citrus peel has been added to this formula to harmonize and balance both flavors and energetics.

    Which comes with some added benefit!

    High in vitamin C and a trusted lymphatic, Citrus peel is great for keeping the lymph moving and the immune system happy and healthy. It’s also a great digestive aid and much, much more.

Adapt, vitalize, refuel.

Shop our line of Sol Terra super fuel drink mixes. There are 3 unique formulas to choose from. Find the one that’s best for you.